Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Communion Wherever We Are


Communion Wherever We Are

Written 4-29-2020

John 17:21 That they may all be one, just as you, Father are
in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the
world may believe that you have sent me. ESV

This morning I was watching an old documentary on public
television on the Apollo 11 mission. During the program, I was
struck by a piece of information that usually doesn’t get
much attention.

I was reminded that Buzz Aldrin, one of the two astronauts
that were about to walk on the moon, stopped everything to
pause, pray and observe Holy Communion.
It seems that Buzz Aldrin was an elder in his church, the
Webster Presbyterian Church, and was given special
dispensation to take the blessed elements of bread and wine
into space, for this purpose. Several astronauts had already
prayed while in space, but Edwin Eugene “Buzz” Aldrin Jr. was
the first to observe the Sacrament of Holy Communion.
There they were, Aldrin and Neil Armstrong, separated from
Earth by approximately 237,000 miles were connected with us
and God by a common act.

During our current period of separation caused by this global
pandemic, we may feel separated and forgotten, but we are
connected by our faith, our rituals and most of all, by the
Holy Spirit. We are all waiting until the time that we can
regroup and commune together.
So take a moment, remember be thankful for what we have, and
do what we can to stay connected to one another, even if we
are physically separated.

Prayer: Father, help use to remember who we are, your
children, and that we can never be separated from your love.
In Jesus name, Amen.

Rex Seigler